Avery Promo Codes
From time to time we have discounts and promotional codes running. Below are some we have running currently.
We have a special place in our heart for our community members and always try and give the best deals, advanced notice of promotions, competitions and much more!
We also often run promo codes through our social channels on Facebook at Avery UK and ukavery on Instagram. Plus here you can always find plenty of design inspiration and educational content.
Spend more than £50 and get free shipping!
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Where can I find Avery promo codes?
- Take a look at our website- we occasionally run promotions so check our website banners and pages for any active promo codes
- Check your inbox- our newsletters are sent weekly and often contain discount codes. Want to receive great deals in your inbox? Sign up now
- Social Media - have a look at our Facebook and Instagram accounts, we'll occasionally share discount codes there and if you're extra lucky you'll come across one of our ads with a few deals in them.
- In your order- inside some orders, you'll find flyers with discount codes against your next purchase
- Get some samples- our sample packs come with a discount code to use on your first order
How do I use a promo code?
1. Go to the checkout and find the "enter promo code" box at the bottom
2. Enter your promo code exactly as it was given
3. Click Apply, we will then apply the code to your basket
Promo code not working?
If your promo code isn't working check the below:
- You've entered the correct code as you've been given
- The code hasn't expired - check the T&C's of the code if available
- You're applying a single code to your order- we do not accept more than one code per order
- You have NOT used the code before
- Your order meets the conditions of the code you can see this in the information provided with the T&Cs. It may be product type or basket amount for example.
- You're within the UK and Ireland.
If you've checked the above and the discount code still isn't working contact our customer service team, we can look into it.
Want more? Join our community and save!
We offer exclusive and priority access to our promotions and new product launches to our valued community members. Joining will give you access:
- Promotional codes, coupons and discounts
- Early access to news and events
- Priority updates
- Access to product trials, competitions and more
What's more, when you sign up, we'll give you 10% OFF your order!