Tips for being Organised in the New Year
It may be halfway through January but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up on the new year new you approach you promised yourself you’d keep two weeks ago. While sprucing up your desk may seem like a drag, being disorganised and searching for things will cost you more time, so maybe it’s time to reconsider? Here are a few quick and easy tips to help you get on the right path.

Organise your desk space
1. Tidy desk, tidy mind and there’s no better time to organise your desk than in the New Year. Maximise your cupboard and desk space by using desk accessories such as pen pots or letter trays and watch how easy it becomes to locate things, as well as maintain a clear working space.
Avery Tip: Try using our Desk Top Range to maximise desk space without making it look over-crowded.

Reorganise your filing system
2. A good, clear filing system will save you hours of your life searching for that one document in a sea of paper. Avery filing labels now come with UltraGrip™ technology for perfect print alignment. They also have a BlockOut™ material, so you can reuse your files time and time again.
Avery Tip: Using our Coloured Filing Labels, you can highlight your imperative files to make them stand out

Organise your digital desktop
3. With a New Year comes the start of new projects and the end of old ones. Be sure to organise your folders, include archives for all those finished or inactive files so that you can easily access and use them when needed.
Avery Tip: Create shortcuts on your desktop to files that you use the most, so that you can gain access to them quickly without navigating through your folders countless times.

Organise your stationery
4. There’s nothing like buying new stationery, but there is also nothing worse than it going missing after two days! To stop your stationery going missing try labelling items like your pens, stapler, ruler and never worry about losing them again
Avery Tip: Avery Pen Labels are a neat alternative, no more hunting around the office to see who has ‘borrowed’ that nice new piece of stationery.

Utilise your calendar
5. Be sure to put all the important dates in your calendar from important deadlines to birthdays. While an online calendar is useful, investing in a desktop calendar may be more beneficial as it will be visible on your desk at all times – a nifty way to remind you of any upcoming important dates!
Avery Tip: Try our easy-to-use UltraTabs which you can place on your calendar where necessary and remove them easily when needed.

Prioritise your workload
6. Whether it’s setting out your tasks for the day in a check-list or writing yourself a detailed timetable for the day, make sure you rank your tasks in order of importance and complete them as soon as possible to avoid a pre-deadline panic.
Avery Tip: Maybe even invest in a little whiteboard for your desk that you can use to write out your to-do list and amend each day without going through lots of paper.