Label Stories Power of label design
What do your labels say about your online business?
At the beginning of September, we revealed #LabelStories and if you look back on that hashtag you will discover a wealth of information all designed to help ecommerce businesses to succeed.
Whether you are getting ready to launch an online business or have been up and running for a while, it’s worth taking the time to read the results of our scientific study into the power of label and sticker design.

It was fascinating to discover just how much emphasis retailers should place on label choice and design. When sending parcels to your customers, you are more than likely to be thinking about getting them shipped quickly and to the right location. But did you know that carefully designed labels can actually increase word of mouth, purchase intent, brand love and customer loyalty?
The survey results have uncovered many insights into how ecommerce businesses can make label design work for them but two elements really stand out. They involve the eye and the brain of the consumer:
1. Catch the eye
It may sound obvious but if your label grabs your customer’s attention above your competition then you’ve won half the battle. Our eye-tracking experiments confirmed that bright colours and large labels help your potential consumer to stop and look; while bold lines, borders and stripes mean that your label could be viewed 42% more than plainer labels.

2. Engage the Brain
When you have attracted your consumer’s attention, the best way to hold it and convert it to a purchase or a positive opinion of your brand is to make the brain think and engage with the product or package. You can achieve this with emotion, information, priming, heuristics (helpful decision-making shortcuts) and curiosity.
You can download our detailed report below, watch the shipping videos and check out the Slideshare to help you understand the findings and use them next time you design your labels.
Download the Every Label Tells A Story report
You can read the full and detailed results of the study by downloading the report. This reveals the best ways for you to get the most out of your labels.
It includes a breakdown of the research findings as well as a guide to why certain label designs performed better in the experiments.
Next time you design a label, use our handy 15-point checklist to creating label designs that work.