Keep on top of clutter with our 8 organising tips
Organising tips from leading decluttering experts
Following the big reveal of our tidying research which unveiled that Brits find tidying therapeutic we caught up with members from the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers to discover their advice for keeping on top of clutter. Don't forget to purchase some custom stickers to help you out!

Tips: 1 - 4
1. One of the most useful things is the five second rule. If it takes five seconds to do it, then do it now and don’t put it off. Hopefully by decluttering, everything has a place, so it doesn’t take so long.
Heather Tingle
2. I love labels! They are really great when organising and really useful for getting organised and staying organised. They are also very handy for the rest of the family too, who might not have been involved in the declutter, as if it is labelled then everyone can find things and it makes life a lot easier.
Jules Langford
3. Give your workspace some daily maintenance. Tidy your desk at the end of the day so you begin each morning with a good start.
Helen Sanderson
4. Have a system. It is not a one-off activity but a continuous process, so you should focus your attention on de-cluttering all the time on a daily and weekly basis. Declutter as you go and have a routine, little and often.
Lesley Spellman

Tips 5 - 8
5. Keep filing as simple as possible – try and keep categories very broad and as general as is practical. An alphabetical system is easy to use and is straightforward.
Kate Galbally
6. For the office, filing labels are great to easily communicate with people, and for business continuity planning when key administrators are sick or move on. Labels help create a system that someone else can pick up. A good tip for electronic filing is naming files in reverse date order so they are quick and easy to locate e.g. 2017 10 31. Katherine Blackler
7. Clutter and mess cause more stress. Don’t print out emails as you are just adding to clutter, store them electronically. Keep on top of filing as if you can’t find something straightaway then you are not working efficiently.
Jo Jacobs.
8. First of all, try and reduce the amount that physically comes through the door - sign up for paperless utilities and banking and go online instead. Recycle the junk mail immediately – keep a box near to where people open their mail, so it can go straight in.
Tracy Marquiss.

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