How much time do Brits spend getting organised?
Avery UK research discover the impact mess has on our minds
Avery UK has unveiled the results of a new piece of research which shows the impact of mess and clutter. We commissioned the study with OnePoll who interviewed 2000 Brits. British people consider tidying and organising to be a real stress buster - whether it be filing away important documents, having a pristine desk at work or creating custom stickers and labelling files and other items.

Let's get organised
As a nation, we spend a total of almost 8 days a year getting things in order at home and work - giving things a good sort through 27 times a month. But how do you begin to get organised, and more importantly, stay on top of mess?
We caught up with professional organiser, Jo Jacobs from Benella who shared her advice for managing a cluttered environment: “Tidy little and often, and always put procedures in place. Whatever comes into the home or workplace needs to be actioned so it either has a place or is removed. It is good to get into the habit of taking five items out with you every time you go out to recycle, charity shops or the rubbish dump to continuously clear clutter.”

Mess can cause stress
Eight in ten UK adults admit they find mess stressful and 63 per cent don't feel on top of things unless their items are in the "right place."
Jo Jacobs agrees with this adding: “I definitely believe the saying ‘tidy desk, tidy mind’. It causes more stress if you can’t find something. And you are not working efficiently if you are spending time looking for something. You could also miss an important deadline.”
What’s the biggest barrier to tidying?
The biggest barrier to being more organised is simply laziness according to those polled, although having too much work on and lack of time are factors too. Four out of ten said they simply don’t enjoy it. However not everyone feels dread before a clear-out as Tracy Marquiss from Marquiss Home Management says: “Before a declutter, I feel quite excited and challenged. I can empathise with the client’s emotions and reassure them that I don’t judge them and am here to help - I also picture the finished the result. Afterwards, it is really good to see the calm created from the chaos and a happier and calmer client.”

Make a To-Do List
Crossing things off to-do lists is the aspect of organising we find most therapeutic, although putting together a to-do list is also a major stress buster. Tracy Marquiss reveals her tips for handling lists: “Make them manageable – a long list is clutter and has a negative effect emotionally. You should just put a maximum of five most pressing things to do on the list - the rest can wait. If you must add something, then take something off and have the pleasure of finishing the list.”
The research also found 72 per cent of Brits would describe themselves as messy. However, even if you describe yourself as a messy person now it doesn’t mean you always will be. Heather Tingle from Untangled by Tingle told us: “Up until a couple of years ago I was a hidden hoarder - every room was full of stuff. There were lots of junk drawers and it got to a crisis point where I needed to do something about it. I did the declutter by myself which was hard as everything had sentimental value, but this means I am very sympathetic to how clients feel because I have been there myself.”

Organise your life
We regularly share advice and ideas for getting organised in the workplace and at home on our social channels. You can also see the wide range of organising products we have available on our Organise Your Life website. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
Products to help you get organised
Click on a range to view the products

Fully-customisable labels to identify your items quickly and easily.

Label up your files and get organised

Keep all your paperwork in order