Eight tips for tidying at home

Organise your life with these decluttering ideas

Do you ever feel that you can never get on top of tidying up? Does it feel like you just get straight and then hours later things are out of place again? How much better does it feel when you are able to relax in a clean and tidy environment?

Each week on our social channels we share advice on how you can be more organised at work and home. On our Organise Your Life website we share ideas such as how custom stickers, templates and statistics which will help you keep your life in order.

Organise your Life Online Guide
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tidying tips

Tips 1- 4

Here’s our eight tidying up tips:

1. Focus on a category at a time not a room. For example, don’t just focus on your bedroom, start with clothes and tidy these across the house instead of just in one room. You can then move on to another category e.g. books, toys, toiletries.
2. Some people talk about it being better to tidy a little bit at a time but that will make it feel like you are tidying forever without it being finished. When you start clearing up, work on it until it’s done and that way you’ll get on top of it much quicker.
3. When you clear up items ask yourself “Do I really need this item?” Don’t keep hold of things that you won’t need again.
4. When organising clothes in drawers and wardrobes, make sure you position them where every item can easily be seen and identified so you know exactly what you own. It means you aren’t keeping old clothes hidden in piles.

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Tips 5-8

5. Recycle as much as possible. Don’t keep hold of magazines or papers for months on end as this makes a place look untidy. Make sure you take papers to be recycled or put in your own office or household recycling.
6. Write up a list of jobs that need to be done daily, weekly and monthly and annually. Keep it somewhere handy to remind yourself on a regular basis. If you keep on top of your schedule then it makes it much easier to manage in the long-term.
7. Work through your items and discard what you don’t want to keep before you find a place for everything that you are saving. This helps manage space effectively.
8. Create a storage system that is easy to manage. Use boxes, drawers and folders to keep items in place and label them so that you know exactly what goes where. You can use the free templates on the Organise Your Life website to make your labels stand out.

Products to help you get Organised at Home

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Avery Chalkboard Labels
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Avery Self-Laminating Labels
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41 mm x 89 mm